Assistance and Maintenance

Tailor-made maintenance solutions

At EKICONTROL we offer the service of machinery maintenance, including regular assistance to verify equipment efficiency and to ensure continued productivity.

At the same time, guidance is provided to the customer’s staff to keep the equipment in the best working conditions, and to be able to analyze all the improvement options that can be incorporated into the equipment to achieve higher performance and production.

Maintenance Preventive Preventive + Corrective Preventive + Corrective + Warranty extention
Yearly preventive inspections
Detailed report of the inspection
Discount in corrective actions of the incidents detected during the inspection 100% free
Discount on parts replacement, during the contract period 20% Discount in parts to be replaced 50% Discount in parts to be replaced 100% Discount in parts to be replaced: Replacement of shears and separators, cut to length shears, gears, oils, filters.
Operators training for the efficient use of equipment.
Labour included during the contract period
Travel and accommodation expenses included
Annual replacement of all key parts, at no extra cost

Get in touch with us

A member of our team will answer as soon as possible


Contact us
Jon Navarro Labaka

CEO Ekicontrol

Servicio técnico

Servicio técnico

Frequently asked questions

Se aconsejan hasta 3 cuchillas más como mucho, aunque hay clientes que han colocado hasta 5 más.

Captura de pantalla 2021 02 10 a las 18.11.26

Los enrolladores de retales sirven para enrollar el borde de la chapa que se ha saneado. Así facilita el enrollado para su posterior desecho.

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Entre otros, aluminio, galvanizado, prelacado e Inoxidable.


En la TWINCUT20 este proceso lo realiza el operario variando la penetración de los rodillos superiores de enderezado.

Captura de pantalla 2021 02 10 a las 17.31.26

Entramos dentro de los parámetros de la normativa europea.

IMG 8417

Sí, hasta un máximo de 1550 mm.

Captura de pantalla 2021 02 10 a las 17.57.14

Normalmente no, pero cuando se van procesar materiales más delicados, como el inoxidable, es necesario limpiar los rodillos. Esta limpieza la realiza el operario de manera manual como mantenimiento.