At Ekicontrol, we returned to Mexico, this time to EXPOMAQ in Guanajuato.

Our CEO, Jon Navarro Labaka, has been present over the past few days along with our Mexican distributor, FABexperts, at Stand 1513. We’ve gained another enriching and enjoyable experience.

Here’s a video where Edgar Ulises Sánchez, head of the installations department and specialist in Ekicontrol, introduces the XS Line 1250, one of our cut-to-length and slitting cutting lines.

We’re also sharing a brief photo summary of how these days went at EXPOMAQ.

We’d like to thank the FABexperts team once again for their hard work and everyone who visited us and showed interest in our cutting lines.

See you next time!

  • Ekicontrol - Fabexperts en Expomaq
  • Ekicontrol - Fabexperts en Expomaq
  • Ekicontrol - Fabexperts en Expomaq
  • Ekicontrol - Fabexperts en Expomaq
  • Ekicontrol - Fabexperts en Expomaq
  • Ekicontrol - Fabexperts en Expomaq
  • Ekicontrol - Fabexperts en Expomaq